Bachelor in Accounting

faculty of Economy - Accounting Department



The lowest practice was granted to the Accounting Department in 1991, and the date of actual study commencement in the general university program: 1991/1992 AD.

The Bachelor of Accounting program is an integrated program implemented through a plan of study that extends over the course of 8 semesters that provides the knowledge and skills necessary for human resources that are assigned to work in organizations and their responsibilities. In order to support economic institutions with expertise and qualifications specialized in accounting, by defining scientific concepts and terminology in the various fields of accounting, preparing financial statements for various economic activities, providing consultations, preparing financial studies and research, and carrying out financial audits for various agencies and institutions in the sectors (public and private).


1. Defining scientific concepts and terminology in the various fields of accounting.

2. Preparing financial statements for various economic activities.

3. Contribute to raising the level of the accounting profession.

4. Participation in seminars, scientific conferences and panel discussions in various fields of accounting.

5. Providing consultations, preparing financial studies and research, and carrying out financial audits for various agencies and institutions in the (public and private) sectors.


By completing all requirements for success in the programme, the graduate will be able to:

A. Knowledge and understanding

1- Explanation of scientific theories and principles in the various fields of accounting

.2- Interpreting scientific changes and developments in the areas of specialization used in modern organizations.

3- Clarifying the procedures for preparing financial reports for the various public and private economic units, and how to analyze and interpret those reports for investment, tax and other purposes.

4- Explanation of external and internal auditing of financial accounts in accordance with international standards and relevant local laws.

B. mental skills

1- Applying accounting theories and knowledge in the fields of specialization, and devising what serves public and private institutions.

2- Proposing ideas and keeping abreast of scientific developments in the fields of specialization

3- Realizing the problems that organizations face in areas of specialization and drawing conclusions about them.

4 - Discuss changes in the contemporary accounting environment.

c. Practical and professional skills

1- Commitment to the ethics of the accounting profession.

2- Mastering practical and professional skills in the areas of specialization to serve the labor market.

3- Using modern methods in the fields of specialization to contribute to the practical development of organizations.

4- Providing financial advice and services to various entities.

D.General skills

1- Studying and solving problems in the areas of specialization.

2- Leading, supervising and working in a team.

3- Communication and dealing with others.

4-Time management

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Accounting

Entry Reuirements

Requirements to join the accounting program:The student wishing to enroll in the academic program "Bachelor of Accounting" must have obtained a general grade of no less than good in the accounting principles courses (ACC130, ACC131).

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Accounting prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Accounting. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 136 units, which include 49 units of general subjects, and 60 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PLA170 Planing peincipals 03 General +

Teaching students the importance of planning, which is represented in achieving the goals of balanced development through a future outlook and achieving total and partial balance, in addition to defining planning and its justifications and stages of development, as well as identifying the types of planning and the stages of the planning process, and the methods used in the planning process Knowing how to set plans and follow them up

ST140 03 General +

ACC 130 Accounting Principles I 03 General +

1. Defining the science of accounting and the principles and assumptions that govern it. 2. Knowledge of the accounting cycle, the budget equation, and the basics of double-entry preparation. 3. Distinguishing between debit and credit accounts, and determining the effect of transactions on the budget equation. 4. Recording and posting entries in the accounting books with the preparation of the trial balance. 5. Preparing the financial statements (income statement and statement of financial position).

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ST141 03 General ST140 +

ACC131 Principles of Accounting II 03 General ACC 130 +

The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial position The student recognizes the reasons for the need for settlement entries, the student understands how to prepare settlement entries, and the existence of more than one method, and the student recalls the importance of accounting principles and assumptions and their impact on the settlement process, and the student explains the reason for the balance (or imbalance) of the settlement list and the statement of financial

ACC 532 03 Compulsory +

ACC 436 Social responsibility accounting 03 Elective +

- Introducing students to the concept of sustainable development and its dimensions. - Introducing the student to what social responsibility is. Introducing the student to corporate social responsibility. - Introducing students to how to measure social responsibility and disclose it in reports.

ACC 435 Accounting systems design 03 Compulsory ACC 331 +

Introducing the student to the nature of the accounting system. Introducing the student to the elements and components of the accounting system. Introducing students to document courses and how to translate them into flowcharts. - Introducing students to how to study, evaluate and design accounting systems and electronic accounting information systems.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC 230 03 Compulsory ACC131 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC 331 Accounting departments and branches 03 Compulsory ACC 230 ACC131 +

Introducing the student to the nature and characteristics of facilities with departments. Introducing students to accounting treatments for establishments with independent and non-independent local branches. Introducing the student to accounting treatments for establishments with foreign branches. Introducing the student to accounting treatments for consignment goods and installment sales.

ACC 231 Intermediate Accounting 2 03 Compulsory ACC 230 +

Familiarizing the student with the concept of long-term investments and the difference between the different methods of accounting for them, introducing the student to the preparation of consolidated statements, long-term and short-term obligations, the rights of project owners, the accounting treatment of their various items, accounting for errors in previous years and changes in the application of accounting policies.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC 335 Tax accounting 03 Compulsory ACC 230 +

• Introducing the student to the nature of taxes. • Introducing students to the different technical divisions of taxes. • Introducing the student to the Libyan tax structure: direct taxes. • Introducing the student to the Libyan tax structure: indirect taxes.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC 430 Accounting for financial companies 03 Compulsory ACC 339 +

• Introducing the student to the different forms of financial companies. • Introducing students to the nature and characteristics of joint stock companies. • Introducing the student to the accounting treatment for the establishment of joint stock companies and their financial operations. • Definition of accounting treatments for the various forms of corporate liquidation.

ACC 531 Zakat accounting 03 Elective +

 Introducing the student to the meaning of zakat.  Introducing the student to Zakat Standard No. (9).  Introducing the student to accounting for zakat in individual projects and partnerships.  Introducing the student to accounting for zakat in financial companies and the rest of the activities and other wealth

ACC 530 Studies in accounting 03 Elective +

 Introducing the student to accounting for changes in prices.  Introduce the student to accounting for human resources.  Introducing students to corporate governance and fair value accounting.  Introducing students to accounting education issues

ACC 439 Accounting for Islamic banks 03 Compulsory ACC 337 +

-Introducing the student to the nature of Islamic banks and the accounting principles based on them. - Introducing the student to the various forms of financing in Islamic banks and their accounting treatment. Introducing the student to the financial statements of Islamic banks, and the basis for distributing profits therein. - Introducing students to the risks that Islamic banks may be exposed to.

ACC 438 international accounting 03 Compulsory +

Introducing the student to the international compatibility and divergence of accounting.Familiarize students with international financial reporting standards.Familiarizing students with conversion rates and translating financial statements prepared in foreign currencies. Introducing the student to international tax accounting systems, and the process of financial analysis of the financial statements of international companies.

ACC 437 Contracting projects accounting 03 Elective +

- Introducing the student to the nature of the contracting activity. -Introducing the student to the terms and procedures of long-term construction contracts. -Introducing the student to the different accounting treatments for long-term construction contracts. -Introducing the student to the financial statements of contracting companies and their financial analysis processes.

ACC 434 Revision2 03 Elective MAN121 +

Introducing the student to how to review the items of the financial position statement. Introducing students to how to review income statement items. Introducing the student to the statistical sampling in the review. Introducing students to review electronic systems.

ACC 433 Additional manufacturing cost measurement2 03 Compulsory +

• Introducing the student to the costing system of orders and operational phases. • Introducing the student to the activity-based costing system. • Introducing students to standard costs. • Introduce the student to the processes of analyzing deviations for the various elements of costs. • Introducing students to the nature of joint costs and side products. • Introducing the student to responsibility accounting, pricing and cost management.

ACC 432 Review I 03 Compulsory +

Introducing the student to the science of revision. To familiarize the student with international auditing standards. Introducing the student to the internal control system. Introducing the student to the evidentiary evidence, the standards for preparing the report, and the relationship of Libyan legislation to the auditing profession.

ACC 431 accounting administration 03 Compulsory +

Introducing the student to what management accounting is. Introducing the student to the nature and classifications of costs and analyzing the relationship between cost, volume and profit Introducing students to short-term administrative decisions and planning and capital budgets. v Introducing students to accountability and performance evaluation

ACC 339 Public fund accounting 03 Compulsory ECM282 +

 Introducing the student to the accounting system in the administrative units.  Introducing the student to payroll accounting in public administrative units.  Introducing the student to accounting for basic and security pensions.  Introducing students to the state’s general budget and the nature of national accounting

ACC 337 Accounting for banks and insurance companies 03 Compulsory +

-Introducing students to the nature and characteristics of commercial banks. -Introducing the student to the various accounting treatments in the technical departments of commercial banks and how to prepare their financial statements. -Introducing the student to the nature and characteristics of insurance companies. -Introducing the student to the different accounting treatments for operations within insurance companies

ACC 336 Oil accounting 03 Compulsory +

- Introducing students to the characteristics of the oil industry. - Introducing the student to accounting treatments for exploration, drilling, development and oil production operations. - Introducing the student to accounting treatments for depleting capital expenditures and depreciating fixed assets and revenues in oil companies. - Introducing the student to how to prepare the final accounts and financial statements of the oil companies

ACC338 Analysis of financial statements 03 Compulsory EN103 +

Introducing the student to what is the analysis of the financial statements and tabulating the items of the various financial statements for the purposes of conducting the financial analysis and the tools of horizontal and vertical financial analysis and financial ratios and the forms of financial failure and methods of forecasting it

ACC 333 Additional manufacturing cost measurement1 03 Compulsory +

Introducing the student to the different cost classifications and their theories. Introduce the student to the nature and characteristics of the cost accounting system. Study the relationship between cost accounts and financial accounts. Introducing the student to how to measure the cost of: materials, labor, and extra work.

ACC 332 Accounting for service projects 03 Compulsory +

-Introduce the student to the nature and characteristics of the service activity. - Introducing the student to accounting treatments for various financial operations within hotels and transport companies. - Introducing the student to the accounting treatments for the various financial operations related to the activity of liberal professions. Introducing students to accounting treatments for various financial operations within non-commercial entities

ACC 330 Corporate Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC 231 +

• Introducing the student to the legal forms of partnerships. • Introducing students to the nature and characteristics of partnership companies. • Introducing the accounting treatment of operations in joint venture companies and their liquidation. • Introducing the student to the financial statements of the joint venture companies