Bachelor in Accounting

Faculty of Ecomonmics and Administration Tajura - Accounting Department



The Department of Accounting offers an academic program that leads to a university degree (Bachelor's).

During a time period of four years (8 semesters), the student can choose

Courses according to the time rate that is commensurate with his capabilities and abilities, and this program requires passing.

Over the course of the academic period at the college, I have taken (144) study units. This program has been developed to be

Distinguished from the scientific point of view, according to the highest degrees of efficiency and quality in the study of specialization, and is characterized

The program is consistent, integrated and methodologically flexible, while providing students with opportunities

To take full advantage of carefully designed programs in order to provide the highest quality educational services.

High quality and recognized scientific competencies in this field and commensurate with the student's tendencies

And his desire.


The objective of the accounting department is to provide students with specialized scientific skills and knowledge that are characterized by:

With the high quality standards that the graduate is supposed to achieve after successfully completing his study program

This is through the following:

1- Preparing and qualifying the students enrolled in the specialized program in the field of accounting and the subject carefully

Through advanced scientific curricula that keep pace with the times and meet the needs of the labor market in both sectors

Private and public, in a way that achieves the goals of spatial development in the country.

2- Providing a scientific environment that is compatible with the requirements of undergraduate students through the scientific subject

For specialized scientific courses developed in theory and practice in order to refine students’ skills academically

Cognitively and technically.

3- Developing the graduates' behavioral, cognitive and interactive skills to enable them to master communication skills

With the business community.

4- Working on developing the capabilities and skills of the faculty members in the department and keeping pace with modernization

It is consistent with the vision and mission of the department and achieves its goals and objectives in terms of providing a scientific environment

It helps to develop the skills and evaluate the capabilities of the students in the department with high efficiency, in a way that serves the college in

Reaching the highest levels of competitiveness and leadership.

5- Contribute to conducting scientific studies and research in a way that contributes to creating an advanced scientific environment

Integrated and helps to provide high-level services to the competent authorities, enhancing opportunities

Research, competitiveness and joint cooperation between them and the rest of the branches of the corresponding faculties for the purpose of access

For the purpose of achieving the desired outcomes in this field.


Upon successful completion of the coursework, the student enrolled in the study program should have

Acquired the basic skills that enable him to practice the specialization comfortably and with high efficiency

The most significant skills acquired include:

1- The ability to conduct various accounts and classify them under applicable accounting standards

Scientifically and practically recognized.

2- The ability to compile accounting data and place them according to their accounting nature in different tables

Analysis and interpretation.

3- The ability to review previous budgets and benefit from the information and data included

In it, receiving and dealing with accounting data from a variety of sources and updating it periodically.

4- The ability to use modern systems in conducting calculations, and training in the use of technology

In completing the business and conducting the calculations with accuracy and skill following the latest international accounting standards.

5- The ability to participate in the analysis and evaluation of budgets, conduct accounting operations, and study

Accounting costs for administrative and production organizations in their various specializations.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Accounting Science

Entry Reuirements

Students are accepted to join the study in the accounting department according to the following requirements and conditions:

- The student applying to study in the department must have obtained a certificate of completion of secondary education

Or its equivalent according to the procedures and controls established and issued by the Ministry of Higher Education

And in force in Libyan universities.

- A student applying for specialization and studying in the Accounting Department must pass the general courses.

Specialization in Accounting subjects 130 and 131 with a grade of good.

The scientific program is equalized for students transferring from the corresponding departments of other colleges

Provided that the transfer student submits documents showing the courses he studied and the content

The scientific record for each of them, the number of units for each course, a list of grades, and the academic file are transmitted.

The academic program coordinator in the department is responsible for completing the equivalency process.

A student transferring from a corresponding college is required to study at least 50% of the subjects

A bachelor's degree in accounting from the college requires specialization in the department.

- The capacity for accepting students into the department is estimated according to the capabilities of the department's members.

Teaching staff and classrooms are available each semester.

There is a 100% difference between the number of students actually enrolled in the study and the number of accepted students.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Accounting prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Accounting. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 132 units, which include 42 units of general subjects, and 72 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC130 Principles of Accounting 03 Compulsory +

ST140 Principles of Statistics 1 03 General +

MAN120 ǀPrinciples of Management 03 General +

FIN160 Principles of Finance 03 General +

ECO110 Micro Economic 1 03 General +

AT100 Arabic Language 03 University requirement +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC131 Principles of Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC130 +

ST141 Principles of Statistics 2 03 General ST140 +

MAN121 Principles of Management 2 03 General MAN120 +

IC101 Islamic Studies 03 University requirement AT100 +

EN103 English Language 1 03 University requirement +

ECO111 Micro Economic 2 03 General ECO110 +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC230 Intermediate Accounting1 03 Compulsory +

LW102 civil Law 03 General +

GC180 Computer Applications 03 General +

GC142 Principles of Mathematics 03 General +

FIN161 Investment Management 03 General FIN160 +

ECO210 Microeconomic 03 General +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO211 Macroeconomic 03 Elective ECO111 +

ACC231 Intermediate Accounting2 03 Compulsory ACC230 +

MAN122 Entrepreneurship 03 General +

LW202 Business Law 03 General +


ACC440 Fundamentals of Accounting in English 03 Elective ACC230 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAN227 Quantitative methods in decision making 03 General +

ACC330 Accounting for Partnership Firms 03 Compulsory ACC231 +

ACC331 Departmental and Branches Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC231 +

ACC332 Accounting for Islamic Establishments 03 Compulsory +

ECO412 Economic Feasibility Studies 03 General ECO211 +

EO313 Money and banking 03 Elective +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC430 Accounting for Corporations 03 Compulsory ACC230 +

ACC443 International Accounting Standards 03 Elective ACC230 ACC438 +

ACC333 Cost Accounting1 03 Compulsory +

ACC334 Tax Accounting 03 Compulsory +

ACC335 Oil and Gas Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC231 +

ACC337 Banks and Insurance Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC231 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC339 Governmental Accounting1 03 Compulsory ACC335 +

ACC435 Accounting Information Systems 03 Compulsory ACC430 +

EC412 Code of conduct and professional ethics 03 General +

ACC432 Auditing1 03 Compulsory ACC430 +

ACC338 Financial Statement Analysis 03 Compulsory ACC230 +

ACC431 Managerial Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC333 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ACC450 Field Training 03 Compulsory ACC430 +

ACC438 International Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC430 +

ACC437 Governmental Accounting2 03 Compulsory ACC339 +

ACC434 Auditing2 03 Compulsory +

ACC512 Accounting Research Methods and Project 03 Compulsory +