Bachelor in Financial and Banking

University of Tripoli - Departent of Financing and Banking



The Department of Finance and Banking aims to provide our students with knowledge and science in everything related to financial and banking sciences through an academic program, It also aims to develop entrepreneurship and scientific research, in addition to qualifying and preparing students scientifically and cognitively so that they can join the labor market and enable them to contribute to building state institutions.


√Provide a supportive learning environment to help students acquire theoretical and applied knowledge in their fields of specialization.

√ Attention to providing educational programs that keep pace with modern developments in higher education.

√Paying attention to specialized scientific research and studies and linking them to economic development plans and targets.

√Developing a culture of quality in the performance of the department's outputs of students.

√Attracting scientific competence from professors who are able to keep pace with technological development in the field of higher education to raise the department to the prestigious scientific level in accordance with the college and university plan.

√Preparing and qualifying academically qualified graduates who are able to engage in the labor market, compete at work and join financial and banking institutions.

√Work to provide the opportunity for training and development of workers in the field of banking financial sciences.

√ Providing advisory services in the field of financial and banking sciences to all public and private institutions.

√Holding conferences, seminars and workshops and participating in scientific forums of all kinds to develop financial and banking work in line with global developments in this field and to contribute effectively to the development of knowledge, the development of community economies and solving its problems.

√Keeping abreast of the latest developments and developments in the fields of financial and banking sciences and the requirements of the labor market by linking the theoretical side with practical reality.


When the student graduates, he will be conversant and able to: -

√ Full knowledge of knowledge and science and equipping with theoretical and applied knowledge in the field of banking and financial sciences.

√ Full knowledge of financial and banking concepts that enable him to understand the theories of finance, investment and banking sciences.

√ The ability to interpret and analyze accounting and financial information in a way that enables it to rationalize making the right decisions in financial and banking institutions.

√ Providing the student with experience in the field of financial and banking sciences by involving them in training programs before graduation.

√ The ability to enrich scientific research and participate in seminars, conferences and workshops in a way that contributes to community service.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degrees in Finance and Banking 

Entry Reuirements

1-Students must Pass the principles of Finance and Principles of Banking with no less than 65%.

2-GDA = More than 50% 

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Financial and Banking prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Financial and Banking. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 138 units, which include 43 units of general subjects, and 71 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AT100 Arabic Language 02 University requirement +

ECO110 Micro Economic 1 03 General +

ST 140 Principles of Statistics 03 General +

MAN120 Principles of Management 1 03 General +

FIN160 Principles of Finace 03 General +

ACC 130 Principles of Accounting 1 03 General +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO111 Micro Economic 2 03 General ECO110 +

MAN121 Principles of Management 2 03 General +

ST141 Principles of Statistics 2 03 General +

EN103 English Language 1 03 University requirement +

IC101 Islamic Studies 03 University requirement AT100 +

ACC 131 Principles of Accounting 2 03 General +

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
MAN122 Entrepreneurship 03 General MAN120 +

ST143 Principles of Mathematics 03 General +

LW102 Civil Law 03 General AT100 +

ACC230 Intermediate Accounting 1 03 Compulsory ACC 131 +

ECO210 Micro economic 03 Compulsory ECO111 +

FIN161 Investment Management 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN260 Banking Management 03 Compulsory FIN161 +

ST142 Computer Applications 03 General ST 140 +

ACC231 Intermediate Accounting 2 03 Elective ACC230 +

ECO211 Macro economic 03 Elective +

LW202 Business Law 03 Compulsory LW102 +

FIN162 Introduction to Insurance 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN261 Financial Management 03 Compulsory FIN160 +

EN104 Professional English 03 Compulsory EN103 +

FIN163 Principles of Financial Technology 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

FIN262 Money and Banking 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

FIN164 Quantitative Methods for Banking and Financial Science 03 Compulsory ST 140 +

FIN365 Banking Marketing 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN369 Analysis and Investment Assessment 03 Compulsory FIN261 +

FIN264 Banking Operations 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

ACC336 Banking Accounting 03 Compulsory ACC 131 +

FIN366 Investment &Portfolio Management 03 Compulsory +

FIN368 Financial Markets 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

FIN371 Analysis of Financial Statements 03 Compulsory FIN367 +

FIN470 Islamic Banking 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN370 Corporate Finance 03 Compulsory FIN261 +

FIN367 Analysis and Financial Forecasting 03 Compulsory FIN261 +

FIN474 Financial and Banking Issues 03 Compulsory FIN264 +

MAN221 Research Methodology 03 Elective +

FIN472 Credit Banking 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

FIN471 Islamic Finance 03 Compulsory FIN470 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
FIN501 Project of Graduation 03 Compulsory +

FIN500 Filed Training 03 Compulsory +

FIN476 Banking Information System 03 Compulsory FIN264 +

ECO412 Economic Feasibility Studies 03 Elective FIN369 +

FIN475 Financial and Banking Risk Management 03 Compulsory FIN261 +

FIN473 Financial and Banking Institutions 03 Compulsory FIN260 +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ECO318 Financial Government 03 Elective ECO111 +

FIN266 Investment &Portfolio Management 03 Compulsory FIN261 +

FIN465 Financial And Banking Legislation 03 Elective FIN368 +

ECO468 Islamic Economy 03 Elective ECO111 +

MAN123 Production Process Management 03 Elective MAN121 +