Bachelor in Chemistry

University of Tripoli - Department of Chemistry



The courses of study in the Department of Chemistry are sequential and integrated, and they have the characteristic of scientific and systematic gradation among them. The  study of some courses is based mainly on previous courses that the student must pass successfully. The departments of the faculty have to clarify this in their study schedules, with the exception of some subjects which need the approval of the head of the concerned department and the dean of the faculty.


1- Providing a distinguished level of curricula, programs and services related to the study of chemistry. 

2 - Preparing the student scientifically and educationally in the field of teaching chemistry and its applications.

3 - Providing professional and educational cadres capable of teaching chemistry.

4 - Providing services to society and the environment by providing scientific and applied consultations and expertise to institutions and companies and contributing to solving problems caused by chemical pollution.

5 - Scientific and technical communication with the faculties of education in other universities in order to serve the exchange of scientific experiences and enrich knowledge related to chemistry.  6- Encouraging faculty members in the department to produce innovative scientific research and participate in local and international scientific conferences and specialized and general seminars.


After completing of the chemistry program, a student is expected to be able to apply the knowledge gained in chemistry and also recognize the need for continuing education and the ability to engage in his/her fields.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor of Science and Education (Chemistry).

Entry Reuirements

1- He/she must have a high school diploma or any other equivalent certificate according to the approved percentage for admission, and no more than three years have passed since obtaining the certificate from the date of graduation.

2- To be able to continue studying in his desired specialization.

3- Submit the original required documents determined by the university administration.

4- He should not have been previously dismissed from studying in colleges or universities.

5- The college has the right to determine certain conditions and specifications for admission related to personality or to conduct an entrance exam to differentiate between applicants, taking into account the conditions and specifications that must be available in the teacher.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Chemistry prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Chemistry. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 135 units, which include 20 units of general subjects, and 78 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR101 Quranic Studies 1 02 University requirement +

In the classroom, students study the aspect of faith as follows: - the meaning of religion and the need of people for it, and the most important characteristics of the Islamic religion. B- Faith and action. - Increase and decrease of faith. - Deprivation of faith. C- Pillars of faith. First: Belief in God Almighty. - The existence of God and the evidence for him - the meaning of the monotheism of God. - Attributes of Allah Almighty. - The Beautiful Names of Allah. Second: Belief in angels: their truth, attributes, and functions. Third: Belief in the heavenly books and introducing them. Fourth: Belief in the Messengers: The difference between the Prophet and the Messenger. Prophecy is a blessing. The number of Messengers. - The (Olo Alazem) .- The attributes due to the messengers .- The virtue of our Prophet Muhammad - may God's peace and blessings be upon him - .- The generality of his message and that he is the last prophet that came to spread the message of Islam .- The obligation to love him .- The measure by which his love is known. Fifth- Belief in (Alyawm AlAkher): - the minor and major Signs of the Hour. - Conditions of the other world: conditions of death and isthmus – (Resurrection - Hashr - Intercession - Presentation and calculation - Balance - Basin - Path - Paradise - Hell. Sixth: Belief in predestination and destiny. - The meaning of destiny and predestination. - The meaning of belief in predestination. - The advantage of faith in predestination. - Satisfaction with predestination does not contradict the introduction of reasons. - Man is responsible for his actions and invoking predestination is misguidance.

ST100 Principles of statistics 02 University requirement +

This course introduces the basic concepts in descriptive statistics by introducing the methods of collecting data and arranging it, how to present them in frequency tables, and representing these tables with an appropriate graph, as well as introducing the students to the methods of data analysis using measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, measures of torsion and flattening, and comparing the characteristics of these different scales.

EPSY101 Fundamentals of Education 02 Compulsory +

It clarifies the historical, philosophical and social foundations of education, and clarifies the relationship between education and society, its goals and aspirations. Learn about the methods and skills that help educators perform their tasks efficiently.

EPSY 100 General Psychology 02 Compulsory +

The concept of general psychology. The objectives of psychology and the variables that govern behavior, types of branches of psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to psychology. Research methods in general psychology, general psychological laws of human behavior. Schools of Psychology - Nervous System and Behavior. Higher mental processes, learning, the concept of stimulus and response, the concept of intelligence, perception, sensation, remembering, forgetting, and thinking. Motivation: Defining motivation and the different classifications of motives that can be limited to biological and physiological motives, employing psychological knowledge and educational concepts to serve the educational process.

.CH101 General Chemistry I 03 General +

This course aims to study the following topics: - Significant figures and calculations - units of measurement. - Definition and division of the substance. - The laws of fixed and multiplied ratios. - Atomic structure -periodic table. - Electronic distribution. - Change in properties on the periodic table. - Chemical symbols and formulas. - Balancing chemical equations. - Chemical calculations. - Chemical bonds. - Lewis symbols and structures. - Geometric shapes of molecules.

AR103 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, which are as follows: . The word: its meaning and its divisions - Noun, verb and a letter signs. - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - . Types of nouns, types of verbs - .Al-Ta'a Al-Morbouta and Al-Ta'a Al-Maftoha'ah - The difference between close letters. - - Elementary Hamza (section at the beginning of the word, and linking) definition, drawing method, pronunciation, location, originality and addition, placements, the rule of distinction between the two ( types of Hamza). - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and the eyes of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
AR104 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR103 +

Students apply the rules, especially the principles of writing, during the lecture, and they are as follows: . Construction and syntax, and the building of nouns, verbs and letters- . Conditions of syntax, and its original and sub-signs- . Applications on the primary Hamza- . The provisions of the moderate and extreme Hamza- Soft Alaff. - - Administrative writing: application, its contents, formulation, forms: university application, job, transfer, loan. - General applications on the vocabulary of the course through the texts of the Holy Qur’an, the Prophet’s Sunnah, and from a prospective of poetry and prose, provided that their number is not less than ten texts, which the student is required to have, provided that exam questions do not deviate from them.

CS100 computer 1 02 University requirement +

This course covers the following main headings, which are the uses of the computer - its types - the binary digital system - the physical components of the computer - types of software - computer networks - the basics of the Internet - computer crimes and data security and protection.

EN100 General English1 02 University requirement +

This course aims to develop the students' ability to deal with the English basics used in everyday life. It helps them communicate correctly and improve their English language four skills ( listening, speaking, reading and writing ) by using efficient and helpful exercises, conversations, examples and activities . It also provides them with the basic and simple grammar of English language ( like verbs, simple present, present continuous… ) and commonly used vocabulary and phrases.

EPSY 201 General Teaching Methods 02 Compulsory +

The student acquires some cognitive, emotional and skill aspects of education related to teaching and its methods that help them in teaching general education curricula. The student is characterized by the moral values and positive attitudes required by the teaching profession. The student has the ability to use modern teaching methods that emphasize the learners' activity and positivity and take into account the individual differences among them. The student formulates behavioral goals in its various fields (cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor): He has the ability to plan effectively (daily, quarterly, and annual), and he has the ability to manage the classroom effectively.

EPSY 203 Developmental Psychology 02 General EPSY 100 +

Course shortdescription: The course aims to acquire the student: The concept of growth. Growth demands, laws of growth. The theoretical and applied importance of studying developmental psychology. Factors affecting the growth process - genetic factors - environmental factors - other factors). Research Methods in Developmental Psychology:( The historical curriculum - the descriptive approach - the experimental approach - the clinical approach), the stages of child development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications Childhood problems, adolescence - concept - definition, demands of growth in adolescence. The theoretical and applied importance of studying the psychology of adolescence. Factors affecting the development of the adolescent's personality: (vital factors - environmental factors - other factors) Stages of adolescent development, its manifestations, gender differences, and its educational applications: (adulthood - early adolescence. middle adolescence - late adolescence - adolescence problems

AR102 Quranic studies2 02 University requirement AR101 +

Students study in the classroom the aspect of worship and the study includes the following: - Worship concept and objectives. - Purity: its definition, divisions and rulings: pure objects and unclean objects - what is permissible to eat and wear and what is not permissible - water, its divisions and rulings. - Ablution: its definition, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, makrooh and contradictions. - Wiping over the socks. - Ghusl: its obligations, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, mustahabbah, and types.- Things that prevent the smaller and larger event - Wiping on the cast. - Tayammum: its causes, conditions, pillars, Sunnahs, mustahabbat, and contradictions. - Prayer: its times, conditions, statutes, Sunnahs, and invalidations.

MM111 General Mathematics 1 03 University requirement +

Summarized course This course provides students with basic concepts of real functions in a single variable, and concepts of ends and continuity. It also addresses the rules of differentiation. This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine the types of real, compulsory and non-compulsory functions, to chart them, to determine the scope, extent and reverse functions of them, to determine the existence of the end, as well as to know the continuity of the functions and to determine whether they are derivable. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in drawing curves using preferential concepts and demonstrations, through scheduled training and the diversity of evaluation methods. The rapporteur focuses on understanding real functions in a single and derivative variable and its applications that help him to understand the behaviour of multiple functions in his future study.

PH101 04 General +

CH102P. General chemistry II practical 01 Compulsory CH101 +

This course is concerned with practical training and identifying the contents of the chemistry laboratory and the basics that must be available, as well as the precautions to be followed while the student is in the chemistry laboratory, identifying first aid methods and safety precautions, and finally preparing reports on practical experiments, results, notes and observations, and preparing some important reagents necessary to detect and identify acid radicals and identify basal radicals.

CH102. General chemistry II 02 Compulsory CH101 +

This course aims to study the following topics: - The three states of matter. - Chemical calculations. - Issues related to chemical calculation. - Synergistic properties of fluids. - Types of solutions. - The principle of Leauchtélier and chemical equilibrium. - Identify acids and bases. - Buffer solutions. - Calculation of pH. - Problems for calculating

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EPSY 202 Basics Of Curriculums 02 Compulsory EPSY 203 +

The mini-description recognizes the importance of studying curriculum science and recognizes the concepts associated with the school curriculum. Compares the main trends about the concept of the school curriculum and its theories, historical stages, and the factors of its development and improvement It accommodates the components of the school curriculum system, and its Islamic rooting. Acquire the skill of formulating educational objectives. Understand the extent of integration and overlap of the processes of building the school curriculum, understand the foundations of building the school curriculum. Increase the knowledge and skill necessary to analyze the school curriculum. Compare the different organizations for building the school curriculum. To understand the great burden that falls on him as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. Recognizes the importance of evaluating and developing the school curriculum. To be aware of the importance of his role as a teacher in the process of evaluating and developing the curriculum

EPSY 200 Educational Psychology 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

Mini description The concept, importance and goals of learning psychology. The most important concepts and principles related to the psychology of learning, research methods in educational psychology, understanding the learning process and its conditions. Learning theories, and how to benefit from them in the educational situation. Comparison between learning theories and their educational applications. The importance of transferring the impact of learning as a result of the learning process. The concept of intelligence, special abilities, individual differences, and factors affecting them. The concept of motivation, and providing students with concepts about it, and how to provoke it for them. The student acquired the skill of educational evaluation, building achievement tests, employing knowledge, and psychological educational concepts to serve the educational process.

CS101 Computer 2 02 University requirement CS100 +

This course gives the student a quick introduction to: computers, their operating system, application programs, windows and their uses, Paint, notebooks, Internet browsers, and the use of application programs, Word, Excel, and Power Point in practice. Where the practical part is considered the largest part for acquiring practical skills, and these programs will help the student in completing his duties, his graduation project, and in his practical life after graduation.

AR105 Arabic language 3 02 University requirement AR104 +

Summarized course Students apply the rules and especially the writing origins during the lecture, -Actual sentence. -Number provisions. -Delete and increase some letters. -The Judgment of Hamza -Punctuation marks. - Searching in lexicons -Writing reports, writing requests in particular, with application to the typical job application writing method. -General applications on the vocabulary of the rapporteur through the texts of the Holy Koran, the Prophetic Sunnah, the poetry and prose, but not less than ten texts. The examinations are other than these texts

CH241. Physical Chemistry I 02 Compulsory CH102. +

In this course, the student is exposed to the study of: - Gases. - The first law of thermodynamics. - Thermochemistry. - Laws of thermochemistry. - Energies of bonds. - The second and third laws of thermodynamics. - Entropy. - Entropy for the ideal gas mixture. - Conditions for automatic change and equilibrium operation.

CH211. Analytical Chemistry I 02 Compulsory CH102. +

Introduction to Analytical Chemistry: 1- Definition of analytical chemistry as a branch of chemistry, its role and importance. 2- Types of chemical analyzes: 3- (descriptive analysis, volumetric quantitative analysis, quantitative and granular analysis, automatic analysis). 4- General concepts (the concept of moles - molar and weight relationships of chemical equations - gravimetric coefficient) 5- Units of concentrations of solutions (M, N, m, f, (wt/wt)%, (wt/Vol)%, mole fraction, ppm, ppb, ppt). 6- The concept of effectiveness and the coefficient of effectiveness. 7- Foundations of chemical analysis 8- Analysis plan. 9- Sample collection. 10- Drying samples. 11- Dissolving samples. 12- Purification of samples. 13- Designation of the relevant article. 14- Define the primary standard material and the secondary standard material and give examples of each.

CH231. Organic chemistry 1 02 Compulsory CH102. +

This course is concerned with the study of: 1- Basic concepts of organic chemistry such as energy levels, atomic astronomy, electronic configuration. 2- Study of Pauli's principle, molecular astronomy, chemical bonds and their types. Representation of structural formulas. 3- Identify the different functional groups. 4- Study of aliphatic hydrocarbons such as alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, their properties and methods of preparation. 5- Study of religions. Its properties, methods of preparation and interactions.

CH221. Inorganic Chemistry I 03 Compulsory CH102. +

This course aims to study the atomic structure, periodic table, Schrödinger wave equation, general properties of ionic and covalent bonds in compounds, ionic compounds of the AX AX2 type, hybridization.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH232. Organic Chemistry 2 02 Compulsory CH231. +

This course is concerned with the study of: - Aromatic hydrocarbons. Benzene and its derivatives. - Stereoisomers. - Chiral and photoactivity. - Preparation of organic halides. - Reactions of organic halides. - Preparation, reactions and labeling of alcohols. - Nomenclature, preparation and reactions of phenols. - Nomenclature, preparation and reactions of ethers.

CH242. Physical Chemistry 2 02 Compulsory CH241. +

Overview: This course aims to study: - Chemical equilibrium. - The law of the act of mass. - Methods of expressing the equilibrium constant. - Factors affecting the equilibrium constant. - The concept of vapor pressure. - Methods of measuring vapor pressure. - Surface tension. Methods of measuring surface tension. - Viscosity in liquids. - The nature of the phases of solutions. - Types of strong attraction between molecules. - Henry's law and Raoult's law and its applications.

AR106 02 General AR105 +

CH201 Methods of teaching chemistry 02 General Epsy201. +

This course aims to study the following topics: 1- The nature, history and philosophy of science. 2- The development, goals and characteristics of science. C 1 3- The development, goals and characteristics of science. C 2 4- General and specific objectives in teaching science in general and chemistry in particular with a focus on the importance of behavioral goals and their formulation C 1 5- General and specific objectives in teaching science in general and chemistry in particular with a focus on the importance of behavioral goals and their formulation C 2 6- Planning daily lessons. 7- A presentation of the most prominent approaches and methods of teaching science in general and chemistry in particular, with a focus on improved delivery, discussion, practical presentation, methods of investigation, exploration and problem solving.... C1 8- A presentation of the most prominent approaches and methods of teaching science in general and chemistry in particular, with a focus on improved delivery, discussion, practical presentation, methods of investigation, exploration and problem solving.... C2 9- A presentation of the most prominent approaches and methods of teaching science in general and chemistry in particular, with a focus on improved delivery, discussion, practical presentation, methods of investigation, exploration and problem solving.... C3 10- A presentation of the most prominent approaches and methods of teaching science in general and chemistry in particular, with a focus on improved delivery, discussion, practical presentation, methods of investigation, exploration and problem solving.... C4 11- The role of modern teaching aids and technology in teaching chemistry

MM112 General Mathematics 2 03 University requirement MM111 +

This course provides students with basic concepts of non-compulsory functions. It also addresses the graph, properties and the derivative of these functions. This course aims to develop the student's ability to create limited and unlimited integration of compulsory and non-compulsory sums, as well as knowledge of unlimited complementarities. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in finding the integration of real, compulsory and non-compulsory functions and the use of integration methods. The course focuses on ways to find the integration of compulsory and non-compulsory real functions and integration applications.

EPSY301 Research Methods 02 Compulsory EPSY 111 +

Scientific and its characteristics - scientific research scientific research institutions. The researcher, his competence and scientific trends - variables in scientific research and their classifications). Scientific research scheme (preparation of research scheme - elements of research scheme - research sources). Scientific writing tools: (documenting scientific research data - using the library - searching for information sources by computer and Internet services. Methodology of writing in research papers - Methods of documentation in the text - Documentation at the end of the report). Types of educational research: (methodological foundations - cases in which it is used - types, (descriptive research - survey - case study. relational research - historical research - experimental research). Fundamentals of scientific writing: (skills of using the library - introducing the foundations of book classification - how to use references - critical speed reading skills. summarizing skills - writing skills in research papers). Data collection tools in educational research: Observation: (types - advantages and disadvantages of each of them - how to organize them and benefit from the data derived from them). Questionnaire: (Its advantages and disadvantages - how to prepare it and analyze its data - its application through a personal interview). - An applied study to introduce how to analyze textbooks.

EPSY 302 Measurements and Evaluation 02 Compulsory EPSY 100 +

Recognizing the following concepts: psychological measurement - educational evaluation - tests - evaluation, determining the relationship between the four concepts mentioned in the first point, recognizing validity and reliability as conditions for measurement and evaluation, recognizing the types of achievement tests.

CH212. Analytical Chemistry 2 02 Compulsory CH211. +

- Introduction to oxidation titrations. - Definition of redox. - Oxidation numbers and methods of their calculation. - Weighing redox equations. - Identify the solubility of compounds. - The concept of the solubility quotient constant. - Precipitation titrations. - Calibration curves. - Definition of complexes and the foundations of their composition. - Complex configuration calibrations.

CH222. Inorganic Chemistry II 03 Compulsory CH221. +

The course aims to study the atomic structure, electronic configuration and periodic properties of elements in the periodic table: 1- Hydrogen properties, reactions and preparation. 2- The first group (group of alkali metals). 3- The second group (group of alkaline earth metals). 4- The third group (boron group). 5- Group IV (Boron Group). 6- Group V (Nitrogen group). 7- Group VI (Oxygen Group). 8- Group VII and VIII (halogens and noble gases).

EN101 02 General EN100 +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH231P. Organic chemistry 1 Practical 01 Compulsory CH231. +

The practical side includes: - Safety in the laboratory and writing laboratory reports. - Designation of some important physical constants for organic compounds: Melting Point, Boiling Point, Density Density. - Separation and purification of organic compounds: Crystallization, - Distillation (Simple, Fractional, Vacuum, Steam). - Sublimation. Extraction. - Chromatography General review and completion of missed experiences

CH241P. Physical chemistry 1 Practical 01 Compulsory CH241. +

The practical side of the course is concerned with knowing all of the following: - Find the absolute density of some liquids. - Finding the neutralization heat (strong acid + strong base, weak acid + strong base). - Finding the dilution heat for some solutions. - Finding the viscosity index of some liquids - Determining the refractive index of some liquids. - Finding the surface tension coefficient of some liquids (capillary tube elevation method). - Finding the molecular weight of a volatile liquid by the Dumas method. - Finding the molecular weight of a substance by the method of decreasing the freezing point of a liquid. - Finding the solubility of benzoic acid in water and carbon tetrachloride. - Finding the distribution coefficient of iodine between water and carbon tetrachloride. - Three-component groups (water-acetic acid-toluene) group. - Partially mixed fluid pairs (phenol-water group).

CH222P. Inorganic chemistry I Practical 01 Compulsory CH222. +

This course is concerned with practical training and mastering advanced laboratory skills in terms of using tools, preparing solutions and devices, preparing and purifying some simple salts and analyzing their components: - Simple chemical processes: "recrystallization – distillation – filtration – drying – centrifugal sediment collection". - Preparation of copper hydroxide by the reaction of copper sulfate with sodium or potassium hydroxide. - Preparation of ferrous sulfate or ferric salt by reacting iron with sulfuric acid. - Preparation of aluminum hydroxide and oxide by reacting aluminum chloride with sodium hydroxide or potassium. - Preparation of a precipitate of yellow lead iodide by the reaction of lead acetate with potassium iodide. - Set the initial formula for some simple compounds such as MgO. - Designation of the number of water molecules (water of crystallization) in some compounds such as BaCl2.H2O. - Completing the student's missed experiments and cleaning tools.

CH211P. Analytical chemistry 1 Practical 01 Compulsory CH211. +

The practical side includes identifying the components of the analytical chemistry laboratory, the standard tools used in titrations, preparing and adjusting secondary standard solutions, and performing titrations of strong and weak acids and bases.

EPSY 303 Teaching learning Aids 02 Compulsory +

The course familiarizes the learner with the concept of the communication process and its stages, its elements and its relationship with education and learning, and the concept of the educational medium in accordance with its historical development. and their types and classifications, and the basis for their preparation and effective use to improve the learning and education process.

EPSY 401 Psychological Health 02 Compulsory EPSY 302 +

CH311. Analytical chemistry 3 02 Compulsory CH212. +

This course examines the following topics: Separation methods: - Segregation by sedimentation. - Separation by column (column types). - Solvent separation (distributive law, examples of extraction equilibriums, applications). Chromatography: - Definition of chromatography methods and types. - Foundations of ion exchange and its applications, separation by ion exchange. Paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography. Column chromatography. - GC gas chromatography of machine components, column efficiency and theoretical slides, solvent efficiency. - High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC components, properties and uses. Electrolysis methods: - Introduction to electrochemical cells. - Types of electrodes (standard hydrogen electrode, calomel electrode, silver electrode, other electrodes. - pH measurement (glass membrane electrode). - Nernst equation and its applications. - Calculate half-cell voltage and cell voltage. - Finding the constants of equilibrium (Ka, Kb, Ksp, ... etc) . Electrolysis: - Electrodeposition. - Coulometric methods - Voltammetry and Polarography.

CH321. Inorganic chemistry 3 03 Compulsory CH222. +

This course is concerned with the study of: - General properties of transition elements. - Hard and soft acids and bases. - Parity bond theory. Molecular astronomy theory. - Crystal field theory. - The laws of the effect of atomic number and consistency numbers. - Types of connections, their structure and isomerism. - The chelated effect of the connections and the magnetic properties of the complexes. - Labeling and calculation of oxidation numbers.

CH331. Organic chemistry 3 02 Compulsory CH232. +

This course examines various topics in organic chemistry: 1- Construct, classify and label aldehydes and ketones. 2- Study of the physical and chemical properties of carbonyl compounds. 3- Construction, classification and naming of carboxylic acids and their derivatives. 4- Preparation of carboxylic acid derivatives with the study of their physical and chemical properties. 5- Amines. 6- Study of the preparation of amines. 7- Study of amino reactions.

CH341. Physical chemistry 3 02 Compulsory CH242. +

This course aims to study: - Metal and electrolytic conductivity. - Comparison of galvanic cell and electrolysis. - Electrolysis in an aqueous medium. Electrolysis with the participation of electrodes. - Faraday Laws. Quantitative manifestations of electrolysis. - The relationship between effort and concentration (Nernst equation). - The relationship between the equilibrium constant and the voltage of the measuring cell. - Molar conduction. - Calculate the cell constant from knowing the resistance of the solution and conductivity

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH212P. 01 Compulsory CH212. +

The practical aspect involves the practical application of redox titrations, precipitation and the formation of complexes

CH312. Analytical chemistry 4 02 Compulsory CH311. +

In this course, the following are taught: - Introduction to spectral methods. - Laws of spectroscopy. - UV - visible light. - Components of the UV - Visible light device. - Infrared analysis. - Components of the infrared device. - Atomic absorption spectrometry introduction and components. - Methods of analyzing samples and processing results. - Methods of preparation of standard solutions and standard addition method. - Emission spectrum devices and methods of their use.

CH321P. Inorganic chemistry 2 practical 01 Compulsory CH222. +

This course aims to teach some practical experiences: - Preparation of iron alum (Moore salt) and calculate productivity. - Preparation of potash alum and calculation of productivity. - Preparation of chromium alum and calculation of productivity. - Preparation of aluminum alum and calculation of productivity. - Preparation of copper alum and calculation of productivity. - Preparation of nickel alum and calculation of productivity. - Chromium acetate (IV) and productivity calculation. - potassium permanganate and productivity calculation. - Determination of some properties of compounds prepared by primary methods such as degree of support, solubility, etc. - Review and complete what the student has not accomplished in the past.

CH322. Inorganic chemistry 4 03 Compulsory CH321. +

This course aims to study: - Introduction to transition elements. - Scandium group. - Titanium group. - Vanadium collection. - Chrome set. - Manganese group. - Iron group. - Copper group. - Zinc group.

CH331P Organic chemistry 2 practical 03 Compulsory +

In this course, the following experiences are examined: · Safety in the laboratory and writing laboratory reports. · Qualitative analysis of common functional groups. · Determination of solubility groups. · Qualitative analysis of elements of organic compounds. · Detection of carbon and hydrogen. · Detection of nitrogen, sulfur and halogens. · Detection of metals.

CH332. Organic chemistry 4 02 Compulsory CH331. +

This course deals with the study of various topics in organic chemistry, including: - Construct, classify and label aldehydes and ketones. - Study of the physical and chemical properties of carbonyl compounds. - Construction, classification and naming of carboxylic acids and their derivatives. - Preparation of carboxylic acid derivatives with the study of their physical and chemical properties. - Amines. - Study of the preparation of amines. - Study of amino reactions.

CH332P Organic chemistry 3 practical 03 Compulsory +

- Safety in the laboratory and writing laboratory reports. - Preparation of nitrobenzene (nitrification). Preparation of acetanilide. - Formed acetanilide nitrification. - Dilution of the formed nitroacetanilide mixture. - Detection of the output using thin layer chromatography (TLC). - Preparation of methyl benzoate (esterification). - Prepare bienzalacetone. Prepare aspirin.

CH341P. Physical chemistry 2 practical 01 Compulsory CH341. +

The practical side involves knowing the following: - Determination of molar conductivity of solutions of strong electrolytes. - Determination of molar conductivity of solutions of weak electrolytes and their dissociation constants. - Determination of the degree and constant of hydration of aniline hydrochloric salt by measuring electrical conductivity. - The decay potential (dissociation potential) of a number of electrolytes. - Determination of pH of a number of buffer solutions using a quinhydrone electrode. - Determination of the standard electrode potential for both copper and zinc. - Determination of solubility of silver halides in water by EMF measurement. - Determination of the Faraday constant. - Potentiometric titration. - Measurement of the ionization potential of the ferric/ferrous reduction system. - Complete the student's missed experiments and arrange the lab.

CH342. Physical chemistry 4 02 Compulsory CH341. +

This course aims to study: - The speed of the chemical reaction. - Kinetic division of chemical reactions. - Mechanical or mechanical reactions of chemical reactions. - Study of reaction orders, reaction orders, reaction ranks and half-lives. - Methods for assigning reaction ranks (assigning reaction ranks mathematically and theoretically). - Activation energy and collision theory. - The effect of temperature on the speed of the reaction (Arrhenius equation). - Stimuli definition and types. - Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions. - Particle and electromagnetic radiation. - Laws of photochemistry. - Kinetics of reactions for photochemistry.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH342P Physical Chemistry 3 practical 03 Compulsory +

1- Study of auto stimulation by oxalic acid and potassium permanganate. 2- Determination of the velocity constant between hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide and finding the activation energy. 3- Determination of the velocity constant of the reaction between aniline and 2.4-dinitrochlorobenzene using conductivity measurement. 4- Study of the interaction between acetone and iodine in the presence of a catalyst. 5- Diacetyl acetone titanium. 6- Potassium chromate trioxalate. 7- Finding the constant of the velocity of glucose dilution by an acid using a polarimeter. 8- Finding the constant of sucrose dilution velocity and level of circulation in the presence of hydrochloric acid using a polarimeter. 9- Study of the dilunation reaction of bio ethyl trichloride in methanol using conductivity meter. 10- Determination of the reaction constant of methyl acetate hydration catalyzed by hydrochloric acid. 11- Determination of the reaction speed between iodine and persulfate in an acidic solution. 12- Finding the absorption curve of oxalic acid on animal charcoal. 13- Study of the adsorption of organic liquid vapor on the surface of a solid by weight estimation method.

CH343. Physical chemistry 5 02 Compulsory CH342. +

This course aims to study: - Atomic structure. - Planck's interpretation of the atomic spectrum. - A crystalline hypothesis of atomic structure. - Atomic states and spectral lines. - Rutherford's model of the atom. - Spectrum in the infrared region. - Quantum mechanics Schrödinger equation. - The influencing factor and the eigenvalue of functions. - Applications of the Schrödinger equation (particle inside a box). - Harmonic and non-harmonic vibration. - Hard rotor and intensity of spectral lines. - The shift from the state of quantum mechanics to the classical state and hypotheses of quantum mechanics.

CH322P. Inorganic chemistry 3 practical 01 Compulsory CH321. +

The practical side is concerned with the preparation, detection and analysis of some complexes by volumetric, spectral and gravimetric analysis methods: 1- Carbonatto tetraamine cobalt (II) nitrate. 2- Cobalt (II) Penta amine chloride. 3- Penta amine cobalt (II) bromide. 4- Dichloride (diamine ethylene) nickel (II) dihydrate. 5- Trichloride (diamine propylene) nickel (II) dihydrated. 6- Trichloride (diamine propylene) nickel (II) dihydrated. 7- Potassium tetracyano nickelate. 8- Titanium diacetylacetone. 9- Potassium vine trioxalate. 10- Cis, trioxalatto dipotassium chromate water. 11- Di(ethylene) nitrate (diamine) copper (II). 12- Copper (II) monohydrated tetraamine ethylene sulfate. 13- Cis and transchlorochloride (diamine ethylene) cobalt (II). 14- Sodium ferrooxalate

CH451 Biochemistry 02 Compulsory +

Definition of biochemistry and its importance in public life and a detailed study of topics: - Introduction to Biochemistry. - The association of biological phenomena of cells and organisms with biochemistry. - Explain the mechanisms of occurrence of diseases on chemical grounds. - The role of modern sciences (biotechnology and genetic engineering) in the development of human life. - Carbohydrates include: (splitting carbohydrates - aldehyde sugars - Fisher formula - Howart cyclic formula for sugars - glycosidic bonds - disaccharides (limited sugar) - polysaccharides - glycogenesis - starch - absorption) - Metabolism of carbohydrates: 1- Glycolysis. 2- Glycogenolysis. 3- Building glycogen. 4- Krebs cycle. 5- Cori cycle. 6- Diabetes Chemistry of amino acids and peptides: - Amino acids: their definition and general formula – chemical, nutritional and metabolic division. Classification – Bad and Uncommon – Necessary and Unnecessary Vitamins Definition - nature - varieties - Seventh: General Metabolism - Construction (non-essential amino acids) Catabolism (carbohydrates, proteins and urea cycle).

CH441E Industrial chemistry 02 Elective +

This course deals with various topics in industrial chemistry: - Foundations of industrial processes. - Industrial water. Industrial wastewater. - Cement industry. - Glass industry. - Oil explored and refined. - Polymers (plastics). - Manufacture of sulfuric acid. - Manufacture of sodium hydroxide. Sulfur (method of its extraction and related industries).

CH202 Teaching Application 03 Compulsory CH201 +

This course is concerned with the study of: 1- Training on the skills of formulating educational objectives. 2- Training in the use of problem-solving strategy in science teaching. 3- Training in the use of concept map strategy. 4- Training on the use of computers in teaching and learning. 5- Training in the art of formulating questions when explaining the lesson. 6- Training on classroom and time management. 7- Training on the use of the school laboratory in the science course. 8- Training on the preparation of a number of teaching aids and the skill of using them in the lesson. 9- Training on the formulation of the daily lesson plan and its components. 10- Training on student evaluation. 11- Training on the use of modern strategies in science teaching.

CH436. Nuclear chemistry 02 Compulsory CH322. +

This course aims to study: - A brief history of nuclear radiation. - The structure of the atom and some discoveries. - Types of nuclear reactions. - Natural Decay chains. - Nuclear energy calculations. - Patterns of disintegration. - Equivalence of mass and energy. - Energy changes in nuclear reactions. - Radioactive decay units. - Radiation reactions with matter. - Health risks and dosage calculation.

CH311P Analytical chemistry 3 practical 01 Compulsory CH331. +

This course is concerned with training the student to conduct a set of experiments: 1- Theoretical explanation on the use of some simple equipment and techniques such as solvent separation, electrolysis and spectroscopy. 2- Experiments in electrical measurements, serum pH measurement and control of related equipment. 3- Determination of the concentration of some metals using a spectroscopy (UV-Visible). 4- Perform some measurements using paper chromatography and thin layer chromatography. 5- Using ion exchange columns in purifying solutions and making measurements before and after separation. 6- Use of separation by organic solvent extraction technique and measurements after separation. 7- Using a flame spectrometer to measure the concentration of some metals such as Na & K. 8- Conducting some experiments on measuring electrical conductivity and determining the concentration of some acid solutions such as hydrochloric acid and acetic acid, and a mixture of them. 9- Measurement of total dissolved salts in water TDS based on conductivity measurement.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CH403. 04 Compulsory +

The student chooses a scientific topic (in the field of chemistry), submits it to the department as a proposal, then conducts scientific research on the topic following the steps and methodology of the correct scientific research, including identifying the problem, collecting data, analyzing it, the usefulness of the research, previous studies on the research topic, research results, recommendations, ... The purpose of the graduation project is to train the student to conduct research in his field through the student's application of the concepts and principles studied during the previous semesters in the department. The student follows the following steps: 1- Gather theoretical information about the proposed project. 2- Project planning and experiment design. 3- Preparing the equipment and materials necessary for the project. 4- Initiation of laboratory work. Analyze and comment on the results. 5- Writing the final report. 6- Presentation of the initial report and presentation of the project in a panel discussion. 7- Make the necessary corrections proposed by the examining committee. 8- Submit the final version of the project. Final discussion.

CH451P Biochemistry Practical 01 Compulsory CH451 +

The practical side involves getting to know the following: First, qualitative (descriptive) ways to identify amino acids. - An overview of the nature of amino acids, their chemical qualities. Second, the practical aspect: 1- General detection of amino acids, nindehydrin reagent. 2- Detection of aromatic amino acids, including: · Zantoprotic test. · Mellon test. · Hopkins-Cole test. 3- General detection of basic amino acids such as arginine, Sakaguchi detection test. 4- General detection of sulfur amino acids. -Testing for sulfur amino acids such as: Cysteine, Nitroprusid reagent, - Third, qualitative (descriptive) ways to distinguish between different sugars. 1- Molish test to distinguish between carbohydrates and others. 2- Iodine test to detect polysaccharides. 3- Benedict test for reducing sugars. 4- Barfoid test to distinguish between mono&di reducing sugars. 5- Bials test to distinguish between hexoses and pentoses. 6- Selvanov's test to distinguish between aldosis and ketosis. 7- Ozazone test to distinguish between different pellets. - Estimation of some important components in the blood. 1- Estimation of the amount of hemoglobin. 2- Estimation of the amount of plasma proteins (albumin / globulin). 3- Estimation of the amount of glucose in the blood. 4- Estimation of the amount of cholesterol in the blood (serum). 5- Estimating the amount of urea in the blood.

EPSY 402 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory EPSY 411 +

practicum training program; Provided by teacher preparation institutions; under its supervision over a limited period of time; With the aim of providing an opportunity for student teachers to apply what they have learned of theoretical subjects in practice while they are actually teaching in educational institutions; Which leads to achieving familiarity between them and the human and material elements in these institutions, and providing them with the educational competencies necessary for them.Description of the practical part:The student should be able to apply the practical aspect of his academic and educational specialization.Training the student teacher on teaching methods in a scientific way.Training the student teacher on the design and use of various educational aids.

CH411E Environmental Chemistry 03 Elective +

This course is concerned with teaching the following topics: 1- Introduction to Environmental Science and Environmental Chemistry. 2- Atmospheric chemistry. 3- Chemical contamination of air. 4- Environmental problems of air pollution. 5- Chemical analysis of air pollutants. 6- Hydrosphere chemistry. 7- Water pollution. 8- Chemical analysis of water. Lithosphere chemistry