Master in Criminal Law

University of Tripoli - faculty of Law



A study program that leads to the award of a master's degree in criminal law, as it aims to train and prepare qualified cadres in various fields, including teaching criminal law, working in related cases as police personnel, prosecutors or specialized judges, and preparing specialized research related to the subject


  • Focus on addressing important topics for the student that were not previously studied.
  • Deepening the study of a topic that imposes itself strongly in reality.
  • Opening the way for the student to choose one of the problems presented as a subject for his master's research


  • To familiarize the student with the most important problems within the framework of criminal law.
  • The student proposes solutions to these theoretical or practical problems.
  • The student, through the lecture + books + research, should know the details of the subject.

Certificate Rewarded

Master of Criminal Law

Entry Reuirements

The applicant for the study must have a bachelor’s degree in law or in Sharia and law. The student must pass the entrance exams successfully

Study Plan

The Master in Criminal Law prepares students to qualify for Master in Criminal Law. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 2 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 24 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 16 major units, 8 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
LW611 Advanced General Penal Code 04 Compulsory +

The study of this course aims to:Drafting a penal code that takes the preventive policy as a strategic goal within the state's general social, cultural, educational, economic, scientific and political policy.Evaluation of the reality of the general provisions of the theories of crime and punishment and their compatibility with legal and international criminal policy.Statement of the limits of the legislative authority's commitment to the restrictions and controls established by criminal legitimacy

LW614 criminal policy 04 Compulsory +

The study of this course aims to:Formulating an optimal criminal policy that takes the preventive policy as a strategic goal within the state's general social, cultural, educational, economic, scientific and political policy.Evaluating the reality of the national criminal policy and its compatibility with the legal and international criminal policy.Identify the mechanisms of formulating criminal policy to confront new crimes.Statement of the limits of the legislative authority's commitment to the restrictions and controls established for the policy of criminalization and punishment.

LW616 Criminal appearance 04 Elective +

The study of this course aims to:Focus on addressing important topics for the student that were not previously studied.Deepening the study of a topic that imposes itself strongly in reality.Opening the way for the student to choose one of the problems presented as a subject for his master's research

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
LW612 Code of Criminal Procedure 04 Compulsory +

The study of this course aims to:Study the status quoLibyan law assessmentExamination of comparative systems

LW613 Criminal international law 04 Compulsory +

The study of this course aims to:Statement of the relationship between international criminal law, international humanitarian law, and international human rights law and their dimensions.Understanding the general framework of criminal law.In-depth study of the chosen subject, which is international criminal justice, and defining the subject of the International Criminal Court.Linking the theoretical and jurisprudential side of the subject with the practical side, by studying the relationship between Libya and the International Criminal Court that arose between Libya and the Criminal Court that arose under Security Council Resolution No. 1970 (2011).

LW615 Economic Penal Code 04 Elective +

The study of this course aims to:An in-depth study of one of the topics of the Economic Penal Code.Evaluating the reality of consumer criminal protection in the Libyan Penal Code during 2019-2020. Statement of the limits of the legislative authority's commitment to the restrictions and controls established for the policy of criminalization and punishment