Master in Public Law

University of Tripoli - faculty of Law



It aims to train high-quality and experienced cadres in the field of public law with a high degree of legal knowledge and legal culture, as well as the ability to analyze various legal issues.


  • The program aims to develop national capabilities in various branches of public law (international, constitutional and administrative).
  • Developing legal cadres capable of drafting regulations that keep pace with current modern developments and spreading legal culture and good legal awareness.
  • Providing the labor market with specialists in public law for legal advice in the fields of international, constitutional and administrative law


To familiarize the student with the most important problems within the framework of the branches of public law

The student proposes solutions to these theoretical or practical problems.

The student, through the lecture + books + research, should know the details of the subject.

Certificate Rewarded

Master of Public Law

Entry Reuirements

The applicant for the study must have a bachelor’s degree in law or in Sharia and law. The student must pass the entrance exams successfully

Study Plan

The Master in Public Law prepares students to qualify for Master in Public Law. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 2 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 24 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 16 major units, 8 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
LW 502 Advanced public international law 04 Compulsory +

The study of this course aims to:Knowledge of the full details of the development of this branch of law and how it came to be today.Qualify the student to be able to know the international treaties and help his country when enacting legislation related to the international treaties that have been adapted

LW501 Administrative Law 04 Compulsory +

LW505 International relations law 04 Elective +

LW507 Law of international organizations 04 Elective +

LW509 Administrative international law 04 Elective +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
LW 503 04 Compulsory +

The study of this course aims to:Understand and comprehend how the three state authorities work.Understanding and knowing how to resolve conflicts between state authoritiesKnowledge of mechanisms to challenge laws that violate the constitution

LW504 Human rights law 04 Compulsory +

LW506 Financial Law 04 Elective +

The study of this course aims to:Understanding how to classify, prepare and control the budget.Understanding all legal aspects related to public finance and its relationship to other laws, especially administrative and constitutional.Understanding the contents of the financial law by knowing its sources and distinguishing between the provisions regulating financial operations and the general budget.Understanding the effects of financial law on the economy.Distinguish the financial system followed in the country by revealing its elements represented in the social and economic aspects.Distinguish between the financial law as an authentic legal system, and the budget law as legislation issued by the legislative authority under the supervision of the government as an annual process.Student understanding of alternatives to sovereign revenue.

LW508 International humanitarian law 04 Elective +

LW510 Administrative judiciary 04 Elective +