Bachelor in Geophysics

University of Tripoli - Department of Geophysics



  • This program provides training in the principles and practice of geophysics with an emphasis on the practical Side.

High-level training is given in geophysics with supporting physics and mathematics, providing classical geophysics training to second-year university level, and includes university training in geology. The programme is particularly strong for careers in geophysical data analysis, and research areas related to global geophysics and planetary science.

  • Programme in more detail

The programme will cover core topics in physics, geophysics, geology and mathematics, plus a choice of advanced modules in geophysics. Major features include training in practical geophysics, exploration geophysics (of various kinds.), planetary-scale geophysics, and environmental geophysical.

You will work within one of our research groups to undertake a significant geophysical research project in your final year. This provides excellent training in research methodology for an academic or industrial research career.


Enabling the student to acquire theoretical education and practical training so that he can use the latest technologies in the field of specialization so that the graduate:

  • Able to contribute to future development plans.
  • Familiar with the problems associated with society.
  • catering to the labor market in both the public and private sectors.
  • Outcomes

    After the student has finished studying the courses of the chemistry program, the graduate should be able to:

  • Proficiency in basic concepts in all branches of chemistry.
  • Awareness of the importance of all basic requirements for the study of all branches of chemistry.
  • The graduate should be able to develop himself to keep abreast of recent technical developments in his field of specialization.
  • Certificate Rewarded

    Bachelor of Science (Geophysics).

    Entry Reuirements

  • The student must have a secondary school certificate or its equivalent from the certificates recognized by government agencies.
  • To have obtained the college admission percentage.
  • To be a believer in the values and orientations of society.
  • If the student applying for the study is a non-Libyan, then he is required to reside in Libya throughout the study period, and to pay the study expenses and the prescribed fees in accordance with the rules and regulations in force in the study.
  • Study Plan

    The Bachelor in Geophysics prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Geophysics. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 135 units, which include 9 units of general subjects, and 87 major units, 9 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    PH111 General Physics I 04 Compulsory +

    This course is designed to serve as an introductory physics course for general school students at the University of Tripoli. It begins with introducing the student to physics and its relationship to other basic sciences. This course introduces the basic concepts of the principles of classical mechanics through unit systems and the basics of mechanics from motion in one dimension to Newton’s laws, work, energy, potential energy and energy conservation.

    CH101 General Chemistry 1 04 Compulsory +

    This course aims to:- Providing the student with general information on intangible numbers and understanding the use of chemical units for different measured quantities.-Familiarity with the concept of the atom in terms of atomic structure and the application of the laws of the atom-Understand the periodic table and name the elements and chemical compounds- Introducing the student to understanding oxidation and reduction and weighing equations in different ways

    MA100 Mathematics 1 04 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Recognize the concepts, terms, principles and laws of Sport1. · Know the functions and their types and apply algebraic operations to them. · Interpret the concept of the end and distinguish between its types and use appropriate theories to solve problems and link them to communication. · Providing the student with the concept of differentiation and using its rules and types to derive functions and using its applications to draw functions.

    AR051 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

    Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

    EL101 English Language 1 02 University requirement +

    English courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    GE111 Physical Geology 04 Compulsory +

    This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course, as follows:· Introduce students to the principles of geology and theories of the origin of the Earth and its relationship to the solar system and the movement of continents.· Gain a general idea of the most important disciplines of geology, for example, mineralogy, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary petroleum, geological structures, general stratigraphy, hydrology, petroleum and others.· Enable students to recognize rocks and minerals through their physical properties.· Building general information about natural phenomena and geological processes that contribute to the formation of the earth's surface.· Introducing students to geological time, celebrant geological structures and contour mapping

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR052 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR051 +

    Accustom the student to clear expressions of his ideas in pronunciation and writing and the good use of punctuation marks.Developing the student's literary taste so that he realizes the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings and images.Develop the student's spelling and writing ability and skill so that he can write correctly in all respects.Identify the beauty of the Arabic language and literature, and that the student acquires the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language.

    PH112 General Physics II 04 Compulsory PH111 +

    This course is designed to serve as an introductory physics course for general school students at the University of Tripoli. It begins with introducing the student to physics and its relationship to other basic sciences. This course introduces the basic concepts of the principles of classical mechanics through unit systems and the basics of mechanics from motion in one dimension to Newton’s laws, work, energy, potential energy and energy conservation.

    MA102 Calculus and Analysis principle 2 04 Compulsory MA101 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: The student should be familiar with the concept of finite integration, its properties and the basic theorems for its calculation. The student should discuss the concept of unlimited integration and distinguish the different methods for his account. The student demonstrates the use of integration applications. The student interprets the meaning of defective integrals.

    GE112 Historical Geology 04 Compulsory +

    This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course, as follows: 1. Studying how the earth was created and the changes that occurred to it through tectonic movements during the geological eras. 2. Identifying the development of the biosphere during the successive geological eras, through what the stratigraphic sequence lists, as well as studying the basic rules of stratigraphy.3. Study the diversity of plant (Flora) and animal (Fauna) fossils. 4. Learn the details of the geological time scale.

    EL102 English language 2 02 University requirement EL101 +

    English are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    GP101 General Geophysics 03 General +

    This course provides a simplified definition of geophysics. It deals with definitions and applications of various geophysical methods, namely: gravitational, magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic, seismic, and well logging recordings. It also clearly states:Knowledge of geophysics and its relationship to geology.Study the basics of geophysical methods used in exploration and the laws on which each method depends.Knowing the basic elements that make up the Earth, and the contribution of geophysics to exploring and clarifying the depths of the Earth.

    CH103 General Chemistry 2 Laboratory 03 Compulsory +

    • Identification of boiling acid cracks• Teaching the student, like the rest, to distinguish between the elements of the acid groups• Identification of boiling acid cracks• Teaching the student, like the rest, to distinguish between the elements of the basic groups

    CH102 General chemistry 2 03 Compulsory CH101 +

    This decision aims to:- Provide students with information on the ideal gases and real gases and familiarize themselves with the concept of changes in the article's cases.- Accommodate basic concepts of how to express concentration units of chemical solutions and the movement of chemical reactions.- Identifying students to understand chemical balance, acid and rules.- The student understands the meaning of dissolution and the balance of complex ions.

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GE203 Structural Geology 03 Compulsory GE112 +

    This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course, as follows: · Study the basic elements of structural geology with an emphasis on fundamental and large-scale visible structures. · Studying the tectonic and kinematic environment in general and with emphasis on the theory of plate tectonic movement. · How deformation of the earth occurs, as well as the analysis and interpretation of field measurements, moreover, the evidence using various methods such as stereoscopic grid projections. · Identify the description and classification of different geological structures features. · Identify the origin of geological structures features.

    MA205 Mathematics Ш 04 Compulsory MA102 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student recognizes functions in more than one variable and their properties. · Discusses the differentiation of functions in more than one variable and its applications. · The student demonstrates the properties of binary and triple integration in different coordinates. · The student explains the convergence and divergence of series.

    GP 211 Principles of geophysical exploration 2 03 Compulsory GE111 GP101 PH111 +

    This course is designed to introduce the basics of gravity as one of the four forces that govern the Earth, as well as the devices used for measurement. It also addresses the gravitational probe method and how to process gravitational data, while the second part deals with the basics of the magnetic method and the Earth’s magnetic field and its origins. And the devices used for measurement. Then this course ends with the methods used to collect magnetic data and corrections resulting from internal and external changes.

    GP 210 Principles of geophysical exploration 1 03 Compulsory GE111 GP101 +

    This course is designed to introduce the basics of refraction seismic surveying in terms of the relationship between elastic coefficients and the speed of seismic waves, as well as the refraction surveying method, its most important uses, and the advantages and disadvantages of surveying. Identifying the types of seismic waves and the importance of each, in addition to studying the different types of longitudinal wave paths and distance and time relationships. Designing a refractive field survey to identify subsurface layers.

    PH210 General Physics III 03 General MA102 +

    This course studies heat and the properties of matter, sound and light. It covers topics of temperature and thermometers, the zeroth law of thermodynamics and ideal gases, the amount of heat and thermal energy, elasticity, stress and strain, fluid mechanics, mechanical waves (transverse and longitudinal), electromagnetism and the resulting phenomena.

    CS110 Programming Principles 04 General MA102 +

    1. Introducing the steps to solve the problem and the methods of solving it using textual algorithms and flowcharts, developing the ability to think logically to solve problems, and identifying numerical systems and converting between them.2. Introduction to the basics and components of Python language programs and how to convert text algorithms or flowcharts into Python programs3. Raising the student's programming level by identifying functions and menus and how to detect errors.

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MA209 Ordinary Differential Equation 1 03 Compulsory MA102 MA205 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Recognize the basic concepts of an ordinary differential equation. · The student learns methods of solving equations of the first order and the problem of the initial value and ensuring the existence of the solution or not in certain circumstances. · The student acquires the ability to solve linear differential equations. · The student uses Laplace transformations to solve linear equations.

    ST212 Introduction to Statistics 03 University requirement MA102 +

    Ø Identify the basic concepts of the statistics, data representation, central tendency and dispersion. Ø The concepts of correlation, linear regression in geology. Ø The principles of the probability and some discrete and continues probability distributions. Ø Identifying the hypothesis testing around the population mean..

    GP225 Earth Geophysics. 02 Compulsory GE101 GE111 GP101 MA100 +

    This course is designed to study the origin and history of the solar system, the formation of the Earth, and to identify and understand the properties of the Earth and its underlying layers from a physical perspective, such as elasticity, expansion, etc.It is also interested in studying the effect of tides and tides on the shape of the Earth and their accompanying effects. And learning about how seismic waves propagate and earthquakes determine the structure of the Earth, which contributed greatly to the study of the Earth’s interior and knowledge of its structures.

    GP223 Seismic Exploration Method 1 03 Compulsory GP 210 GP210 GP210. MA200 +

    This course is designed to provide an expanded explanation of the refractive and reflective seismic method, and the equipment used in seismic geophysical surveying, followed by the corrections applied to the data collected from the survey.

    GP 212 Geodesy 02 Compulsory GP101 +

    This course is designed to introduce the types of distance and the types of devices related to distance. It also addresses the types of budgets and the methods used in converting units, whether for angular or linear measurements, the use of modern surveying devices to obtain the necessary observations, calculating regular and irregular areas and volumes, as well as calculating coordinates and determining locations.

    GP 220 Petrophysics 02 Compulsory MA102 +

    This course is designed for the student to become familiar with the names of the properties, and various physical and petrophysical parameters of fluids and rocks. It also gives the student laboratory experience in conducting various experiments and using laboratory equipment.

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GP312 Seismic Exploration Methods 2 03 Compulsory GE112 GE211 GP223 +

    This course is designed to study seismic methods and their applications in the field of petroleum exploration and deals with the three main parts: Acquisition of discrete and three-dimensional seismic information, processing of seismic information and partial interpretation of seismic information (structural, stratigraphic and quantitative).

    GP313 Geoelectric 1 03 Compulsory GP 210 GP210 GP211 MA200 PH112 +

    This course is designed to study methods of conductive geoelectric exploration by constant and instantaneous electric current and their applications in different fields. The course also includes the study of the most important geoelectric detectors, methods of deployment of different electrodes, and types of electric survey (horizontal, vertical electric survey).

    GP314 Gravity Exploration Method 02 Compulsory GP211 PH112 +

    This course is designed to identify the importance and use of the gravity survey method in geophysical exploration for oil and minerals and for different types of objects and geological structures, through the collection and processing of data and the interpretation of gravity survey maps.

    GE305 Sedimentation & Stratigraphy (I) 03 Compulsory GE201 +

    This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course, as follows: 1. Introducing rock units in terms of their natural properties, their chronological arrangement, and methods of determining relative and absolute geological age. 2. Study and analysis of different sedimentary textures as well as a statistical and descriptive petrographic study. 3. Study of sedimentary environments in terms of origin, properties and different sedimentation processes. 4. How to work stratified column in different ways and different correlation types.

    MA301 Complex Analysis 1 03 Compulsory MA209 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student learns how to deal with complex numbers. · The student recognizes the limits, continuity, and differentiation of functions in the complex variable. · The student discusses the concepts of analytic, holomorphic and harmonic functions and their properties. · The student is introduced to non-algebraic and algebraic functions.

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    CS321 Numerical Analysis 04 Elective CS111 +

    GE310 Petroleum Geology 03 Compulsory GE305 +

    This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course, as follows: 1. Introducing students to the basic principles of petroleum geology and subsurface geology. 2. Introducing students to modern oil extraction methods. 3. Introducing students to the basic stages of oil and gas formation. 4. Learn how to evaluate oil exploration activities and the basics of mapping oil reservoirs below the surface.

    GP413 Nuclear geophysics 02 Compulsory GP210 PH112 PH115 +

    This course is designed to identify the importance and use of the gravity survey method in geophysical exploration for oil and minerals and for different types of objects and geological structures, through the collection and processing of data and the interpretation of gravity survey maps.

    GP321 Well logging 03 Compulsory GE203 GP210 GP220 MA200 +

    This course is designed to introduce the principles of well narratives and various devices and how to calculate the physical properties or parameters of rocks, especially oil reservoir rocks.

    GP326 Geoelectric 2 03 Compulsory GP313 +

    This course is designed to study the methods of induction (electromagnetic) geoelectric exploration by variable and instantaneous electric current and their applications in different fields. It provides a general introduction to geoelectrical inductance and conductivity, the electrical properties of metals and rocks, inductive voltage and types and the method of calculation.

    GP327 Magnetic Exploration Methods 03 Compulsory GP211 PH112 +

    This course is designed to introduce the student to the theory and application of various magnetic surveys, methods of compiling field magnetic data, correcting and analyzing such field data, and principles of interpreting qualitative and quantitative magnetic data.

    GP361 Geophysics I 03 Compulsory GP101 +

    This course is designed to introduce the basics of gravity as one of the four forces that govern the earth, as well as the devices used for measurement, and also touches on the method of the gravitational recorder and how to process gravitational data, while the second part deals with the basics of the magnetic method and the magnetic field of the Earth and its origin. And the devices used for measurement. Then this course ends with the methods used to collect magnetic data and corrections resulting from internal and external changes.

    GP362 Geophysics I 03 Compulsory GP101 +

    This course is designed to introduce the basics of seismic refraction survey in terms of the relationship between the coefficients of elasticity and the speed of seismic waves, as well as the refraction survey method, its most important uses, advantages and disadvantages of survey, identifying the types of seismic waves and the importance of each of them, in addition to studying the types of different longitudinal wave paths and the relationships of the surface and time, the design of refraction field survey to identify the subsurface layers.

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GP415 Mathematical Methods in Geophysics 03 Compulsory CS100 GP223 GP312 MA201 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the form of learning outcomes that students are expected to acquire after completing the course, as follows: Studying the mathematical foundations and concepts of geophysics and strengthening knowledge of basic mathematical methods and understanding their application in the field of geophysics.Studying the foundations and concepts for vector analysis and algebraic operations of vectors.Studying partial differential equations; equations in geophysics: Laplace's equation, wave field equations.Studying the Fourier series for odd and even functions, the complex Fourier series, and advanced and inverse Fourier transforms.Studying the forward and inverse Z-transform.

    GE405 Geology of Libya - Elective I 03 Compulsory GE305 +

    This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course, as follows: 1. Study of the geographical and stratigraphic distribution of rock units in sedimentary basins and their tectonic origin. 2. A study of the genesis, division, and exposing patterns of rocks: the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic rocks in Libya. 3. Study the distribution and diversity of volcanic eruptions in Libya. 4. Identify the economic importance of the local geological diversity.

    GP411 Geophysical Seminar I 01 Compulsory EL102 GP313 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the format of the expected learning outcomes that students are supposed to acquire after completing the course, as follows: Clarifying and understanding the general characteristics of geophysical reports.Explain how to write each part separately of a scientific geophysical report.Illustrating the essential elements of geophysical research and reports.Clarifying the different pathways for scientific geophysical writing.Teaching the correct method of preparing scientific papers.

    GP426 Computer Application in Geophysics 03 Compulsory CS100 GP314 MA102 MA209 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the form of learning outcomes that students are expected to acquire after completing the course, as follows: Explanation of the geophysical relationship with the computer and the applications of the computer in exploration and geophysical interpretation of geophysical data.Understanding the mathematical solutions of the wave equation.Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of seismic, gravity, magnetic, and other methods.Understanding the requirements for building two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic models, as well as the expected errors that arise in model construction.

    GP418 Environmental Geophysics 02 Compulsory GP225 GP312 GP314 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the form of learning outcomes that students are expected to acquire after completing the course, as follows: The student becomes aware of the crucial importance of environmental issues in human life and the role that geophysics can play in identifying and solving related environmental problems. They also delve into various geophysical methods and their use in environmental geophysical surveys.Additionally, the student learns about the different components of the environment and methods for preserving them. Lastly, they explore the proper way to prepare a scientific report for environmental studies.

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    GP430 BSc Project 02 Compulsory AR051 GP321 GP411 +

    This course (research project) represents the culmination of studies for a Bachelor of Science degree in geophysics. Provides the opportunity to apply and extend material learned throughout the programme. The course spans a variety of topics, including theoretical, simulated and experimental studies.The main objective of the project is to enhance the student's scientific background and develop his practical skills, but not to obtain new scientific results. It includes the following:Propose, design and implement a scientific approach to study a scientific problem, how to write the results and the final report, and discuss the project.

    GP XXX Remote Sensing & GIS - Elective III 02 Compulsory GE305 +

    This course is designed to achieve the general objectives in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course, as follows: 1. Introducing students to the basic concepts of remote sensing, its limitations, characteristics and applications. and a review of the properties of electromagnetic radiation as they relate to remote sensing. 2. Review basic principles of aerial photography including: camera systems, film, digital imaging, photographic acquisition, simple image interpretation, and photometry 3. Learn methods of visual interpretation of aerial photographs.

    GP425 Field Geophysics 02 Compulsory GE322 GP313 GP321 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the form of learning outcomes that students are expected to acquire after completing the course, as follows:The course summarizes the various methods previously studied by providing a summary of each method's assembly, processing, and interpretation. This is followed by a field trip lasting 15-20 days, allowing students to apply the practical aspects of each method individually.Different field instruments are used to conduct geophysical surveys using the studied methods. The collected data is then interpreted in the field. Geophysical software is employed to simulate and quantitatively and qualitatively interpret the results obtained from the surveys.

    GE408 Petroleum Systems of Libya - Elective II 02 Compulsory GE308 +

    The general objectives of the course that the student is supposed to acquire after successfully completing the course are summarized as follows: 1. Introduce students to sedimentary basins and their relationship to oil resources in Libya 2. Enable students to learn about the history and details of oil exploration and extraction in Libya and the challenges facing the sector 3. Enable students to evaluate oil and gas resources in Libya and compare them with other countries 4. Introducing students to the concepts and objectives of sustainable development related to the oil sector.

    GP424 Geophysical Signal Analysis 03 Compulsory GP415 +

    Course objective • Introducing the student to the types of geophysical signals and the method of measuring them. • Teach the student the difference between analog recording and digital recording. • Teaching the student sampling theory. • Teach the student how to calculate the oscillation, periodic time, wavelength, wavenumber and velocity and how to calculate them. • How to perform shifts, flips and gradations of digital signals. • How to convert signals from the temporal domain to the stereoscopic and atomizing domains using mathematical equations.

    GP423 Formation Evalution 03 Compulsory GP321 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the form of learning outcomes that students are expected to acquire upon successful completion of the course.A thorough understanding of reservoir evaluation principles and well logging is essential. Understanding the physics principles of the tools used is important. The ability to describe reservoirs based on well-logging interpretations is crucial. Understanding the properties of rocks and fluids.the ability to analyze measurements and correct environmental factors, as well as interpret well logs to differentiate porosity, permeability, water saturation, rocks, and hydrocarbon content.The ability to interpret both sandstone and shale layers is important. This is achieved through a comprehensive and extensive study of a selected productive well and conducting a thorough evaluation.

    GP422 Geophysical Seminar II. 01 Compulsory GP411 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the form of learning outcomes that students are expected to acquire upon successful completion of the course. The Geophysical Seminar represents a set of courses that aim to refine the student's talent, this course illustrates the different aspects of the written geophysical report and its abstract, which are derived from the work of the working engineer. It also demonstrates the proper writing of the scientific geophysical report and the correct method of extracting relevant material from the scientific geophysical report for research purposes. This course emphasizes the correct approach in extracting suitable material from the scientific geophysical report for use in research.

    GP421 Seismology 03 Compulsory GP225 GP312 MA209 +

    This course is designed to achieve the overall objectives in the form of learning outcomes that students are expected to acquire after completing the course, as follows: Study the types and characteristics of seismic waves and their use in understanding the internal structure of the Earth.Understand where and why earthquakes occur.Familiarize yourself with the hazards and dangers of earthquakes.Explore seismic waves and their paths.Study the theory of elasticity and Hooke's law.Study the wave equation.