Bachelor in computer science

University of Tripoli - Department of Computer Science



The academic program aims to obtain a university degree (Bachelor) to prepare the student to be able to show specialized scientific knowledge in the field of computer uses and writing software in the latest languages used, and he is also able to employ practical and professional skills and engage in postgraduate studies and keep up with scientific research in Specialization.


1. Preparing graduates who are able to show specialized scientific knowledge in the field of computer uses and programming.

2 . Preparing graduates who are able to employ practical and professional skills in the field of computer and programming to serve the requirements of society and the labor market.

3. The graduate should be able to engage in research programs in his field of specialization and postgraduate programs.


After the student has finished studying the courses of the computer science program, the graduate should be able to:

  • Proficiency in basic concepts in computer science.
  • Awareness of the importance of all basic requirements for the study of computer science.
  • The graduate should be able to develop himself to keep abreast of recent technical developments in his field of specialization.
  • Certificate Rewarded

    Bachelor's degree

    Entry Reuirements

    • The student must have a high school diploma or an equivalent certificate recognized by government agencies.
    • To have a college admission percentage.
    • To be a believer in the values and orientations of society.
    • If the student applying for the study is a non-Libyan, then he is required to reside in Libya throughout the study period, and to pay the study expenses and the prescribed fees in accordance with the rules and regulations in force in the study.

    Study Plan

    The Bachelor in computer science prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in computer science. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

    It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 138 units, which include 8 units of general subjects, and 92 major units, 16 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

    Study plan for this program is shown below:

    1st Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    EL101 English Language 1 02 University requirement +

    English courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    MA100 Mathematics 1 04 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · Recognize the concepts, terms, principles and laws of Sport1. · Know the functions and their types and apply algebraic operations to them. · Interpret the concept of the end and distinguish between its types and use appropriate theories to solve problems and link them to communication. · Providing the student with the concept of differentiation and using its rules and types to derive functions and using its applications to draw functions.

    MA101 Plan Analytic Geometry 03 Compulsory +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student identifies the types of coordinates and converts points from one to the other and represents them as vectors . · Study the geometric object, rotation of axes and their displacement and its effect on points and equations in the plane. · The student shows how to find the equation of a straight line in its different formulas and forms . · The student compares cones with their standard images .

    ST101 Introduction to statistics 04 Compulsory +

    CS100 Programming Principles 04 General +

    1. Introducing the steps to solve the problem and the methods of solving it using textual algorithms and flowcharts, developing the ability to think logically to solve problems, and identifying numerical systems and converting between them.2. Introduction to the basics and components of Python language programs and how to convert text algorithms or flowcharts into Python programs3. Raising the student's programming level by identifying functions and menus and how to detect errors.

    AR051 Arabic language 1 02 University requirement +

    Highlighting the beauty of the Arabic language and revealing the elements of originality and strength that are full of it, so that students increase their passion and interest in it.Close contact with our literary heritage and make students aware of its originality, diversity and comprehensiveness.Refine students' talents and develop their ability to understand the language, grammar, morphology and correct Arabic writing.Training students to write their scientific research, reports, and notes in correct writing, free of linguistic, stylistic, and spelling errors, and to facilitate the translation of many specialized texts.

    2nd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    MA102 Calculus and Analysis principle 2 04 Compulsory MA101 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: The student should be familiar with the concept of finite integration, its properties and the basic theorems for its calculation. The student should discuss the concept of unlimited integration and distinguish the different methods for his account. The student demonstrates the use of integration applications. The student interprets the meaning of defective integrals.

    MA103 Solid Analytic Geometry 03 Compulsory MA102 +

    The general objectives of the course in the form of outputs that the student is supposed to acquire after successful completion of the course are: · The student interprets vectors and connects them to points in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. · The student recognizes the equations of the line and imagine the solids such as the ball, cylinder and others and find their equations with drawing. · It recognizes the quadratic shape in three variables and reduces it to legal forms.

    PH112 General Physics І (Electricity ) 03 Compulsory +

    This course is concerned with knowing the foundations and concepts of electrostatics and translating these concepts into mathematical laws and relationships by covering a range of topics represented in Coulomb’s law, electric field strength, Gauss’s law, capacitors, Ohm’s law, electric current circuits, and their analysis methods.

    ST102 An Introduction to Probability 04 Compulsory ST101 +

    CS111 Structured Programming I 04 General CS100 +

    1. Learn basic concepts in computers, programming language, data types, and develop logical thinking skills. Converting algorithms into a program in Fortran.2. Identifying input and output sentences, simple and compound sentences, logical expressions, test operations, and repetitive sentences.3. Study and understand how to format data and correct errors in the program.4. Learn about advanced data structures such as matrices and employ sub-programs to improve program efficiency and the ability to read and understand programs.

    3rd Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    AR052 Arabic language 2 02 University requirement AR051 +

    Accustom the student to clear expressions of his ideas in pronunciation and writing and the good use of punctuation marks.Developing the student's literary taste so that he realizes the aesthetic aspects of speech styles, meanings and images.Develop the student's spelling and writing ability and skill so that he can write correctly in all respects.Identify the beauty of the Arabic language and literature, and that the student acquires the ability to study the branches of the Arabic language.

    PH200 03 General PH112 +

    CS200 04 Compulsory CS111 +

    CS207 04 Compulsory CS111 +

    CS214 Structured programming 2 04 Compulsory CS111 +

    4th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    PH201 03 General PH112 +

    CS211 04 Compulsory CS111 +

    MA206 04 General MM102 +

    CS215 object-oriented programming 04 Compulsory CS115 +

    EL102 English language 2 02 University requirement EL101 +

    English are courses specially designed for students who choose to study at the faculty of Basic Sciences. The principle objectives for both courses is to enable students use English for scientific. They provide students with practice on sentence patterns, structural words as well as non-structural vocabulary which are common to all scientific branches. The material incorporated in these courses intend to give students a good opportunity to read scientific texts, do grammar exercises and work on scientific terminology.

    5th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    CS331 04 Compulsory CS200 +

    CS315 04 Compulsory CS215 +

    CS319 04 Compulsory CS215 +

    CS323 04 Compulsory CS111 +

    6th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    CS332 04 Compulsory CS331 +

    CS336 04 Compulsory CS215 +

    CS340 Computer systems security 04 Compulsory CS215 +

    CS343 Computer networks 04 Compulsory CS215 +

    7th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    CS437 04 Compulsory CS332 +

    CS4XX Elective 1 04 Elective +

    CS431 04 Compulsory CS211 +

    CS436 04 Compulsory CS331 +

    8th Semester

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    CS4X.X Elective 2 04 Elective +

    CS450 04 Compulsory +

    CS444 04 Compulsory CS332 +

    CS438 Software Engineering 04 Compulsory CS319 +

    Elective Subjects

    Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
    CS456 Artificial Intelligence 04 Elective CS215 +

    CS439 Object-oriented programming using JAVA 04 Elective CS214 +

    CS435 Visual Programming 04 Elective +

    CS432 Compiler Design 04 Elective CS437 +

    CS440 Computer Organization II 04 Elective CS207 +

    CS420 Software Testing 04 Elective CS319 +

    CS416 Web Programming II 04 Elective CS315 +

    CS412 Web Engineering 04 Elective CS315 +

    CS411 Project Manamement 04 Elective CS319 +

    CS410 Mobile Applications Design and Development 04 Elective CS315 +

    CS441 Automata Theory & Formal Languages 04 Elective CS200 +

    CS442 Operation Research 04 Elective CS200 +

    CS448 Numerical Analysis 04 Elective CS323 +