Master in Religion Principles

University of Tripoli - Department of Religion Principles



This program aims to be in the department a pioneering scientific beacon that excels in the sciences of Islamic law in general, and the sciences of Islamic creed, interpretation and hadith in particular, and to provide the Libyan and Islamic society with superior cadres at a high level of competence and responsibility, capable of highlighting the correct Islam, and correcting incorrect concepts and the advancement of scientific research.

The duration of the study in the program is two semesters, with 30 academic units, and 6 research units (master's thesis).


- Rehabilitation of a generation of specialists in the science of interpretation who are able to carry it, develop it and teach it.

- Rehabilitation of a generation of specialists in the science of hadith capable of carrying, developing and teaching it.

- Promoting the dissemination of the Maliki school of jurisprudence, which represents the national religious identity.

- Seeking to raise educational learning performance in the sciences of Islamic Sharia.

- Serving the local, Arab and Islamic community by preparing qualified cadres.

- Building a distinguished Islamic personality based on a sound understanding of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Able to combine originality and modernity.


. The ability to interpret the Quranic texts accurately and scientifically.

. Knowing the methods of the hadith scholars in Al-I'alal.

. The ability to consider contemporary financial legal issues.

. Knowledge of the orientalists' approaches in challenging the sources of the Prophet's Sunnah.

. The ability to analyze the sayings of the commentators according to the rules of weighting and scientific interpretation.

. The ability to compare the approaches of the scholars of hadeeth ills.

. The ability to use electronic means to publish scientific material.

. The ability to convince opponents of the importance of the Sunnah in contemporary issues

. The ability to present and speak in his scientific field.

. Acquiring the skill of deriving legal rulings from the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

. Mastery of research in the most important heritage books.

. The ability to understand and distinguish between ancient and contemporary religions, sects and religious currents.

. Distinguish between legal rulings according to the understanding of the ancestors of the nation and wrong and extremist rulings.

. Mastering the skill of teaching and dealing with students.

. The ability to debate violators.

. Mastering the skill of preaching and counseling.

. The ability to issue Sharia fatwas verbally and in writing.

Certificate Rewarded

High Academic Certificate (Master's in Interpretation and Hadith)

Entry Reuirements

- The student's academic evaluation in the previous stage of this program, provided that it is not less than very good.

- An admission test with a personal interview, if the institution deems it so.

- It is preferable that the applicant for the program should not have obtained a bachelor's degree for a period of three academic years.

Study Plan

The Master in Religion Principles prepares students to qualify for Master in Religion Principles. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 2 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 24 units, which include 10 units of general subjects, and 14 major units, 4 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TH1 The student chooses an elective course 02 Compulsory +

TH601 Thematic interpretation 02 Compulsory +

TH602 manahij almuhdithin fi al'iielal 02 Compulsory +

TH603 takhrij alfurue ean al'usul 02 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TH2 The student chooses an elective course 02 Compulsory +

TH604 Studies in the criticism of speech issues 02 Compulsory +

TH605 The history and origins of the Maliki school of thought 02 Compulsory +

TH606 tahqiq makhtutat 02 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TH607 Studies in financial transactions 02 Elective +

TH608 Contemporary banking transactions 02 Elective +

TH609 Origins of interpretation and its sources 02 Elective +

TH610 Contemporary issues in the Sunnah of the Prophet 02 Elective +

TH611 Sources of the Prophet's siyrat 02 Elective +