Department of Fine and Applied arts

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About Department of Fine and Applied arts

The Department of Fine and Applied Arts was established since the establishment of the college based on the decision of the former General People’s Committee No. (999) for the year 1985 AD regarding the establishment of a center for fine and applied arts. Scientifically, it is similar to scientific colleges and universities. Graduates from the department are granted a bachelor’s degree in one of the following majors:- Drawing and painting program.- Art education program.- Graphic Design program.- Ceramic Design program.- Sculpture and restoration program.- Advertising Design.

Facts about Department of Fine and Applied arts

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff






Bachelor - Painting

Drawing and painting is one of the academic programs in the Department of Fine and Applied Arts, College of Arts and Media. The program is concerned with...

Bachelor - Art Education

Art education is one of the academic programs offered by the Department of Fine and Applied Arts to prepare educational cadres in the fields of fine and...

Bachelor - Graphic Design

The program aims to graduate an artist and designer who can participate in design and printmaking production processes of all kinds, and has the ability...


Who works at the Department of Fine and Applied arts

Department of Fine and Applied arts has more than 44 academic staff members

staff photo

Dr. Samira Nuri Abd-alhamed Ben Said

Samira Ben Said is one of the staff members at the department of 4 faculty of 8. He is working as a since 2016-01-13. He teaches several subjects in his major and has several puplications in the field of his interest.

Department of Fine and Applied arts in photos

Department of Fine and Applied arts Albums