Digital Repository for Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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wael saleh mohamed abughres, Mohamed Ahmed Ramadan Mgheder, Ahmed B. Abdurrman (8-2017)
Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, .
wael saleh mohamed abughres, Mohamed Ahmed Ramadan Mgheder, Atia M. Albhbah (7-2017)
Journal of Alasmarya, .
Tammam A. Benmusa, Hager BenSaidan, Mustafa Kh. Shater (12-2016)
17th International conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering, .
على احمد على قنون (3-2016)
جامعة طرابلس, 2(1), الصفحات 36-42.
Tammam A. Benmus, Rabie Abboud, Mustafa Kh. Shater (12-2015)
The 16th international conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control & Computer Engineering, .
Tammam Benmusa, Rabie Abboud (5-2015)
The Second International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Clean Energy and Green Computing, , pp. 5-11.